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Hi, I'm Beth Mai, TVDSB trustee-elect for the upcoming term serving wards 7/8/9/10/13

You can find information about me on this website and see some of my past advocacy in TVDSB online in board meetings from October 25 (transparency and accountability), June 22 (problems with Special Education Plan), and June 2020 (changes to gifted programming).

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If you haven't already met me at your door over the past months, attended one of my weekly virtual meetings, met me at one of the city events where candidates were included (I've attended them all), or spoken with me on the phone, allow me to say HELLO for the first time. I hope it will be the first hello of many.


I've been committed to earning the trust of the community by actively campaigning since the beginning of July. It's impossible to knock on every door in 1/3 of London, but I've still done everything I can to connect with voters. I'm working hard now and I'll work hard for you when elected.


Some of my experiences that make me an "ideal candidate" (see my endorsements):

✅ Only person running with experience in public education (18 years in TVDSB). I know the realities of the system.
✅ LEADER in education supporting innovative and practical solutions
✅ ADVOCATE for students in public education. 10 years proven track record in this with successful appeals too.
✅ TVDSB board advisor in SPECIAL EDUCATION (4 years)

✅ COLLABORATIVE team member - proven by work in provincial organization and on other boards/execs.
✅ COMMUNITY volunteer - for than two decades - with a focus on improving children and education
✅ BUSINESS person with experience on organization executives and boards.

✅ PRAGMATIST - I know the realities of our system and what's legitimately possible to make change.



Over the past 20 years, I have made a difference in education in many different ways. Serving as your school board trustee is a natural continuation of that work. I'll continue to give my best to ensure we are putting children first in education and making practical decisions that mean our kids get more of what they need in our schools. Direct, positive results is one of my priorities. My track record on this speaks for itself with detailed info in my blog. 




Elected leaders need to be available to listen and respond to those they represent. I have a proven track record of responsiveness through leadership in other areas these past 20 years. Since July, my number and email have been posted here and shared widely on social media for anyone to contact me at any time. 519-868-8538 or


If you want an accessible representative at TVDSB, you're in the right place.




I've spent the past 4 years at the board level in TVDSB. This, plus my knowledge of the realities in our schools, my background in business and leadership, my longstanding commitment to service and advocacy, and my training for TVDSB trustee puts me in a great position to hit the ground running to serve you well from Day One.


Instagram feed - Check out some of the schools I have visited over the past 4 months. I am committed to our communities.

Click on the arrow in the bottom right corner to see more posts.

 ...Her long-standing dedication to children and public education, combined with her leadership skills and the importance she places on proactive planning and accountability, make her an ideal choice.

Find out who said it on my endorsements page


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