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Blog & News

I'm sharing posts to help the community to get to know me better. A search of my name online might bring results mostly related to special education. That IS a big part of my commitment to the community as a volunteer and, while I do believe it is critical for our board to have special education expertise (including "general" education expertise) as they consider policies and board direction, I have even more to offer.

In this blog, you'll find news stories, personal opinions, posts I've written about my volunteer work in many areas, and board/communication tips. I'll be adding to this collection as I gather materials to give you a better idea of who I am.

You'll see a person of integrity who is committed to education, the well-being of children, building community, and expecting the best we can offer the community when it comes to public education. 

I am also committed to listening, advocating for the community, and working collaboratively for positive solutions for our children and those who serve them. Have a suggestion or a question I can answer for the community? Send it to me to add to the blog.

Upcoming post topics: TVDSB budget, school safety, experts in our community, and another favourite volunteer role I've had.

Recent Posts

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Beth Mai


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